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A Bit More About Company

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Danka Verse story begun as a fun Youtube channel for meme compilations a few years ago. These days it reached almost 1 million subscribers and growing every day. It is the proud moment to introduce the social network for meme lovers.

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Danka Verse LLC

Vilnius, Lithuania

Social network platform
Project Status:
Ongoing, started December 2022
Danka feedDanka feed


Danka Verse uniting more than 1 million users community wanted to gather them all to one place, that’s how the social network idea has born. With the help of our experienced business analysts, product owners and developers we now face the fully working social network for global audience to share their favorite memes and just have fun.


Seems Neat has implemented all the popular and crucial functions of the social network in this project. Easy registration through your favorite social account, feed full of great content, comments, reactions and the ability to upload your own content to the platform for others to watch and up vote.

As a user on the social network you have a chance to collect points gathered from your uploaded content. The more reactions and up votes you get - the more points you can convert to the real money. The secure top up and withdrawal process is backed by PayPal.

Finally, to smoothly run the thousands visitor social network, the Amazon Web Services are in place to cover the load and make sure the best overall experience for visitors.

Added Value

Offering real money for uploaded content drove the traffic up drastically and united entire Youtube community in one place.