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A Bit More About Company

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Smart Lotto as a company has been formed in 2017 with the goal to offer fully digital lottery across the Baltics. Seems Neat took over the challenge to create entire lottery platform from scratch.

You can play online or by installing the Smart Lotto mobile app and replenishing your account account in the most convenient way for you. Choose the type of lottery you want (Mini, Hour, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Year) and have a look at how full your account is!

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Smart Lotto

Vilnius, Lithuania

Smart lottery design and development
Project Status:
Ongoing, started June 2020


Seems Neat has provided all the technical components that allow the digital lottery to start successfully. We have created UI wireframe, UX design, iOS and Android mobile applications, a web platform and a management zone. Seems Neat did it in 10 months and provided full technical support since then.

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Development of Web APP

We have created an opportunity for players to play not only on their smart phones, but also on the website.

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Development of Management System

Management system is absolutely necessary to ensure secure and smooth lottery running. Lottery administrators are able to login with their unique credentials and see all the data and processes happening in the lottery. Administrator is able to check the exact lottery, tickets, users, deposit operations as well as confirm withdrawal requests.

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Smart Lotto digital lottery provides different kind of lotteries on the platform. Users are able to choose a lottery and purchase digital tickets to it. Once lottery countdown ends, winning tickets are chosen and prizes distributed to digital wallets on Smart Lotto platform.

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Smart Lotto platform has many different sensitive data points: personal user information including documents, payment details, digital wallet, tickets information, withdrawal functionality and many more. We had to make sure entire platform is secure from external parties and gather many different legal certificates to be able to launch the project.

As a user I have to identify myself with the personal document, connect my credit card or bank account number to add funds to my wallet then I can withdraw winnings automatically.

Management system has additional security steps to protect logging in from unauthorized sources.

Mobile iOS and Android applications let users to purchase tickets very quickly, get notifications about lottery winnings and many more.

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Added Value

Seems Neat successfully delivered a complex digital lottery solution to the end client, provided constant technical support and implemented many additional modules for lottery to be more attractive and fun.

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